"Everyday Disaster Relief"
What do you think of when you hear "disaster relief"? Many of us think of natural disasters and the harrowing images we see on the news: our neighbors being rescued by boat, homes and communities flooded, and rising death tolls. Feed America First has been blessed to respond to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Florence. In fact, we have distributed over 220,000 lbs. of food to these areas in our continued disaster relief efforts! But did you know Feed America First is involved in disaster relief every single day?
Feed America First reaches over 35,000 families in need like Karen's every single month. Karen was laid off from her job due to cutbacks. She also has a son with serious health issues that already left them struggling to afford groceries. When she was laid off, her first thought was, "How am I going to feed my kids?" However, while she searched for a new job, Karen was able to get food from one of our partner agencies, providing relief from the personal disaster she was facing. She even cried tears of hope when she saw all the food she was able to bring back to her family!
Our neighbors in need are facing personal disasters all around us. Grandparents raising their grandkids on a tight fixed income, single moms struggling to get by, even families facing overwhelming health issues that leave nothing left in the budget to buy groceries. While Feed America First has been blessed to respond to natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Florence, this unexpected disaster relief was not in our budget, putting us at a shortfall in funding the "everyday disasters" that our neighbors in need are facing - and we need your help. Will you help us reach our goal of raising $100,000 by December 31st? Every dollar counts and provides enough food for 10 to 15 meals for neighbors in need facing their own personal disasters. We thank you for being a hero to our neighbors in need!
Recent Activity
donationMesa Carlson donated 2018-12-31 16:51:47 -0600
donationChuck Tatum donated 2018-12-31 15:30:17 -0600
donationVicki Ford donated 2018-12-27 23:40:20 -0600
donationPeggy Clements donated 2018-12-19 14:55:58 -0600
donationAl and Sue Adams donated 2018-12-19 14:20:17 -0600
donationDave and Jan Speer donated 2018-12-16 16:10:58 -0600